Call for Papers

Submissions are now closed and decisions have been sent to authors. Authors of accepted talks and posters should submit their revised abstracts by May 20th, using our online webform, available here.


The International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) is pleased to announce the Sixth Conference of the Society for Gesture Studies: Gesture in Interaction. It will be held on the campus of the University of California, San Diego, July 8-11, 2014.
Devoted to the study of multimodality in communication, the ISGS is an interdisciplinary group of researchers including anthropologists, cognitive scientists, computer scientists, linguists, neuroscientists, psychologists, and semioticians. The Society convenes for a major international conference every two years, and the 2014 meeting will be the 6th.


We invite abstracts that address any aspect of the study of gesture and multimodality, including but not limited to: the relationship between sign and gesture; the cognitive and neural underpinnings of gesture; the contribution of gesture to language production and comprehension; the role of gesture in situated language use; and how gesture mediates interaction in the social, cultural, and technological world. We welcome papers on any aspect of bodily communication and are open to all theoretical and disciplinary perspectives.


Plenary Speakers


  • Herbert Clark, Stanford University
  • Susan Wagner Cook, University of Iowa
  • Marjorie H. Goodwin, UCLA
  • Marianne Gullberg, Lund University
  • Asli Özyürek, MPI Nijmegen and Radboud University
  • Andy Wilson, Microsoft Research


Abstract Submission

We invite abstracts of no more than 500 words, not including references, and abstracts should be limited to text (i.e. no figures). Abstracts must report previously unpublished work. Only one submission will be accepted by the same first-author.

Three kinds of presentation are available:

Paper presentations: Paper presentations will be 25 minutes, with 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Thematic Panels: Papers that address a common theme may be submitted as a Thematic Panel. Panels should consist of four talks, which must be submitted individually as Paper Presentations. Each individual abstract should indicate the name of the proposed Thematic Panel. If a Thematic Panel is not accepted as a whole, individual submissions will be considered for standard paper presentations.

Poster presentation: Poster presentations are an opportunity for more extended interaction. Submissions that are not accepted for paper presentations will be considered for poster presentations. Posters will be displayed during poster sessions, with ample opportunity for discussion.

Abstract Submission opens on September 1, 2013, after which you will be able to submit your abstracts at the following site:


Important Dates

September 1, 2013: Submission Opens
November 21, 2013: Submission Deadline (*extended from November 15*)
December 31, 2013: Notification of Acceptance (*changed to accommodate extended submission deadline*)
February 15, 2014: Registration Opens
July 8 – 11, 2014: Conference

Conference Language

The conference language will be English. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters will be available.

Organization and Coordination Committee


Carol Padden, Department of Communication, UC San Diego
Seana Coulson, Department of Cognitive Science, UC San Diego
John Haviland, Department of Anthropology, UC San Diego

Tyler Marghetis, Department of Cognitive Science, UC San Diego
Sharon Seegers, Center for Research in Language, UC San Diego